Chetro Ketl

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Chetro Ketl shares a parking lot with Pueblo Bonito. It is worth your time to explore each slowly. Among the unique features of Chetro Ketl:

the colonnade (columns separating one of the great houses from the plaza (a feature of some Central American structures) (you can see the narrow columns alternating with space that was filled in later)

Chetro Ketl colonnade along plaza

the long rear wall may have supported a balcony, which, in turn, shaded the lower level (you can see the groove and support-shelf above the post holes below)

the long rear wall may have had a balcony

Talus House, a structure behind Chetro Ketl and adjacent to the canyon wall. There was some connection between Talus House and the North Road on the mesa behind these structures – perhaps a stairway.

Talus House (left) behind Chetro Ketl (right)

numerous kivas, including a double-kiva and two great kivas

double kiva and others

at least one T-shaped doorway, a central American architectural feature

T-shaped doorway

More photos (all copyright Mark Justice Hinton)

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