Category Archives: wildlife

Kudos to the opponents of coyote-slaughtering

I’m heartened to see hunters/gun-owners and even the benighted Abq Journal come out against the senseless and brutal slaughter of coyotes for “fun” and profit. The right to own a gun assumes the owner will exercise his or her right in a responsible manner. Slaughter is irresponsible. Moreover, we know that people who abuse animals are potentially violent to other people. peace, mjh

ABQJournal Online » Slaughter of Coyotes an Abomination Against Nature By Pete McCloskey And Helen McCloskey / Madrid residents on Thu, Nov 15, 2012

The coyote killing “contest” being hosted this weekend by Gunhawk Firearms in Los Lunas is a disgrace to the state of New Mexico and to the ethics of hunting.

With farms in New Mexico and northern California, we are no strangers to firearms or coyotes. But the days of mass killings of any wildlife should be long gone. …

It is time to cease encouraging killings based on proven falsehoods and distorted ideas of privilege over animals that justify random acts of violence. No amount of partial scholarships or free guns to the winners makes a sadistic contest saner.

Pete McCloskey is a former U.S. congressman, a Republican from California, and co-founder of the 1970 Earth Day; Helen McCloskey is a farmer and conservationist.

ABQJournal Online » Slaughter of Coyotes an Abomination Against Nature

ABQJournal Online » Editorial: N.M. Should Be Better Than Bounty Contests By Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board on Wed, Nov 14, 2012

Let’s be clear — staging a contest to see who can kill the most of any one species is not about hunting.

At its core, real hunting is about respecting wildlife and its ecosystem. It understands a species’ role in its environment and habitat. It is not about a blatant disregard for life that glorifies a weekend of blood sport for the sake of nothing more than mass killings. …

It is about shooting living things dead. A lot of them. For fun. Not because the meat or pelts are needed for survival, or the animals pose a threat, or even that the head will make a nice trophy.

Just killing to kill and then killing some more, only to then dump the pile of carcasses at a secret location.

What kind of message does that send? What kind of picture does it present of our state?

ABQJournal Online » Editorial: N.M. Should Be Better Than Bounty Contests

ABQJournal Online » No Quarter for the Coyote By Our readers on Tue, Nov 13, 2012

There Is No Honor In Wanton Slaughter

GUNHAWK FIREARMS’ coyote kill is spreading a national disease.

This “disease” is called lack of respect-itis. As a gun owner, hunter and outdoors person, I am appalled at the wanton killing of coyotes promoted by Gunhawk Firearms of Los Lunas in their so-called depredation hunt.

I have no problem with the killing of a coyote if it has directly affected the livelihood of a rancher, farmer or livestock-raising family. But this concept of “Kill as many as you can, pile up the carcasses and win a prize” lacks sportsmanship and sets a poor example for young people.

Kill because it is fun? Kill for the sake of killing? We already have enough young people killing or threatening to kill each other. All Gunhawk (is doing) is encouraging this wanton disrespect for life.

The idea of killing for the sake of killing is not the concept of hunting that I was brought up with. We ate what we hunted and were taught to respect those animals that nourished our bodies. Lately, on our hunting trips we have observed more and more unethical and irresponsible behavior that is making this sport less and less palatable to both true hunters and nonhunters alike. This coyote kill is a prime example of this — this is not what being a sportsman means.

Disrespectfulness is becoming more and more prevalent in our society. There is disrespect for those we don’t understand —who aren’t like us. We disrespect ideas that don’t align with our own. We disrespect the planet that supports us by hedonistically mining its natural resources, both living and nonliving, with total disregard for what this leaves — or doesn’t leave — for future generations.

And finally, Gunhawk is putting the whole sport of hunting at risk with this program. One coyote kill has already been canceled because an outraged public weighed in with letters, phone calls and emails.

The “ugly and reckless hunter” is not the image we need of our sport. Gunhawk is putting the true sport of hunting and sportsmanship at risk. Keep this attitude up and the sport will be legislated to death.

Gunhawk, please rethink this coyote kill for what it really is: total disrespect in addition to the sport’s possible death sentence.



Contest Is Simply A Crime Against Nature

CONDEMN COYOTE killing contests! To date, the coyote is killed throughout the U.S. with no regulation or protection whatsoever. Federal, state and local governments kill one per minute.

Seventy-two point five million taxpayer dollars are spent each year on western livestock protection, mainly coyote killing. The lethal methods used are aerial gunning, poisons, leg-hold traps, neck snares, denning (the killing of coyote pups by poisoning, gas, clubbing, hounding and shooting) — all brutally inhumane.

Coyote-killing contests do not teach our young to appreciate our wildlife or to respect life. Disruption of family packs can caused orphaned juveniles to seek easy prey such as small dogs and cats, and other coyotes will move into the vacated area.

Coyote biologists have long recognized the role of coyotes in controlling rodent populations. Large carnivores also preserve species diversity of native birds by controlling numbers of smaller carnivores, such as foxes, raccoons, skunks and opossum. Coyotes are an integral, invaluable part of our ecosystem.

Instead of putting all the blame on animals, humans must take responsibility and be held accountable. Lethal force is not the answer. Livestock owners can do more to protect their animals with fences — especially electric fences — outdoor lights triggered by sensors, guard dogs and keeping in vulnerable animals.

Native to North America, coyotes occupy the biological niche between foxes and wolves, playing essential parts in the environment by helping maintain the natural ecosystem. The money and efforts used to kill coyotes needs to be redirected toward educated coexistence.

In short, coyote-killing contests cultivate violence and disrespect against wildlife and all life as a whole. A petition against the Los Lunas coyote hunt has been signed by 10,771,00 people already.



Los Lunas Suffers Yet More Embarrassment

ON NOV. 17 and 18, coyote-killing contestants will fan out across New Mexico to shoot as many coyotes as possible in an effort to win a contest. The team with the most carcasses will win guns. This cruel coyote-killing contest is a publicity stunt conceived by Gunhawk Firearms in Los Lunas. Mark Chavez, the owner of Gunhawk Firearms and his employees have described the contest as a “win-win” and “fun.” Gunhawk Firearms further incited events by telling its critics, in essence, “bring it on.”

We are longtime Los Lunas residents who live next to the bosque near coyote habitat. We have farm animals and have never been bothered by coyotes. Gunhawk Firearms states they are helping ranchers. But ranchers are not sponsoring this contest.

New Mexico Game & Fish, in its “Wildlife Notes,” states that the favored diet of coyotes are rabbits, mice and rodents. Coyotes also prefer to feed on dead and decaying animals. Gunhawk’s contest will not result in effective predator control.

In an effort to stop this contest, we started a coalition of people from all backgrounds who oppose the practice of coyote contest killing. We are not anti-gun, anti-ranching, or anti-hunting. We believe in managed predator control based on sound scientific principles. In addition to local residents, thousands of others from all over the United States and the world have signed petitions asking that the contest be canceled. But Gunhawk Firearms has refused to cancel the contest.

Not only is this contest lethal for coyotes, it is dangerous to others who may be using public lands on the weekend before Thanksgiving. It will also interfere with deer and elk hunts already scheduled by Game & Fish.

Los Lunas and New Mexico have already attracted national media attention this year for animal cruelty at the Southwest Livestock Auction in Los Lunas and at racetracks around New Mexico. Among all New Mexico counties, Valencia County has some of the highest rates of child, domestic and animal abuse. This is not coincidence — it is connected. This contest is not in the best interest of Los Lunas or New Mexico.

Gunhawk Firearms knows this contest is ugly because it has not disclosed where it will count the coyote carcasses. Gunhawk Firearms needs to correct its mistake by calling off its “contest” and coming up with a different promotional plan for its business.


Los Lunas

Be Careful With Karma Or You May Regret It

I PRAY THAT my voice is heard on behalf of the wildlife.

It seems that humans haven’t evolved on the intelligence/food chain all that much. People don’t eat coyotes. All they are doing is showing their barbaric actions and behavior.

We must have coyotes in the wild. They balance out the smaller animal population — mice, rats, rabbits, etc. If coyotes are not here, we will be overrun.

Lest we forget the black plague, the mice that carried the diseases overran everything and the death of humans began. We had the plague up there in the mountains not all that long ago. Wake up.

How dare humans think that they have the right to blow others out of the water. I assure you that if we all turned our guns on the fools who think this is funny and a joke, we’d see them all running for fear of their lives.

As they say, “what goes around, comes around.” Please, do the correct thing and stop this horrific action.

Despite human ignorance, nature endures.


Founder and President Wanagi Wolf Fund and Rescue


Publicity Stunt Worthy Of Only a Pathetic Man

MARK CHAVEZ, the owner of Gunhawk Firearms, is trying to drum up publicity for his store, and also claiming ranchers need this contest to stop coyotes from killing their livestock. Really?

In reality their main prey is rabbits, squirrels, mice and other rodents, even insects. When all the coyotes are gone, will farmers then host a rabbit-killing contest? A squirrel- and mouse-killing contest?

Coyotes are an important part of the ecosystem and their numbers are being controlled quite well by the spread of humanity alone. It’s shameful and disgusting that some people will find joy in personally wounding and killing these animals.

Oh, well, at least the winner will have that free gun to shoot those rabbits taking over his yard.


Rio Rancho

This Travesty a Black Mark for Gun Owners

AS A RELATIVE to the Colt .45 firearm family and one who has owned a firearm myself, I have to say I am disgusted and outraged by the irresponsible coyote killing contest Gunhawk Firearms in Los Lunas intends on holding Nov. 17 and 18. Despite public outrage, the sponsor and participants are putting ego over common sense when promoting NRA rights, and the right to kill over common decency. It does nothing but a disservice for those who believe in the right to bear arms.

Not to mention, mass body counts is absolutely not hunting. They should be ashamed, not proud in their defiance.


Santa Fe

ABQJournal Online » No Quarter for the Coyote

“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. … The land is one organism. … The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: ‘What good is it?’ ”–Aldo Leopold

ABQJournal Online » Slaughter of Coyotes an Abomination Against Nature By Pete McCloskey And Helen McCloskey / Madrid residents on Thu, Nov 15, 2012

As Leopold noted toward the end of his life: “Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. By land is meant all of the things on, over or in the earth. Harmony with the land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish the right hand and chop off his left. That is to say, you cannot love game and hate predators; you cannot conserve the waters and waste the ranges, you cannot build the forest and mine the farm. The land is one organism. … The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: ‘What good is it?’ ”

ABQJournal Online » Slaughter of Coyotes an Abomination Against Nature

Spike: the Movie


Let’s begin at the end of the tale: Don’t watch these short movies if you live in Disneyland. The first one is shorter (40 sec) with more behavioral displays – pause to see the riot of feathers. The second one is longer (2 min) with more tenderizing (and traffic noise).

Spike’s continuing story:

Spike the Roadrunner (an update)

DSC09837I wrote about Spike the Roadrunner a month ago and here’s a little update with a few new photos (of the hundreds I’ve taken – he’s very photogenic, as you can see).

We had quite a scare a couple of weeks ago. Mer had fed Spike his morning mouse. We were standing within arm’s reach of Spike, who was perched on the wall between us and the neighbor’s yard. Suddenly, Spooky the black cat leapt from the far side of the wall and landed on Spike. It was as startling as any horror movie. Spike squawked, Mer shrieked, and I exclaimed, “Son of a Bitch!” to my own great surprise. Spike managed to fly off. Spooky disappeared – lucky for him, because I was stalking him brick in hand. Spike ran down the road toward Indian School and its traffic. We watched him run around the corner, so we knew he was probably OK but feared we’d never see him again.

To our great relief, Spike clattered for food from the rooftop the next morning. He looked a bit disheveled but uninjured. He doesn’t return every day or twice a day, as he used to, but we hope that means better chances for his survival.


Spike, the roadrunner


Of course, we should let wildlife remain wild. Failing to do so puts them and us at risk. However, humans are often captivated by a wild creature that shows curiosity and expresses a unique personality. I’ve been observing roadrunners for over 25 years and I’ve never known one like Spike, as I think a few photos will show. Although he isn’t really our pet nor do we want him to be, if you name a creature, feed it, and miss it when it doesn’t show up, someone is a pet. Perhaps we are Spike’s.

DSC09375Roadrunners often expose their backs to the sun for warmth. The feathers there are particularly thin and sparse. However, I’ve never seen the posture Spike assumes in these two photos. (It was late afternoon and over 90 degrees – I doubt he was cold.)



Spike showed up one morning when we were feeding a turtle ground beef. He rattled, which may be a call for food or an expression of curiosity. Mer has learned to imitate him and he comes when she calls. As his surrogate mama, Mer showed him how to find worms in the compost and fed him a grasshopper (I missed that photo op).

When we told a friend at Hawks Aloft that we were feeding Spike ground beef, she said it wasn’t nutritious enough. So, we bought a bag of frozen mice from Hawks Aloft (“chocolate,” ie, brown). Spike figured out what to do immediately – he swung it by the tail and smashed it on the ground repeatedly. Yum, tender.

Spike, the young roadrunnerNote the delicate eyelashes. Keep in mind these are feathers, not hairs.

Like the desert itself, the colors of a roadrunner shift in the light from drab to iridescent green and blue, plus blue and orange eyeshadow.DSC09245

Spike, the young roadrunner

I was a little alarmed when an adult roadrunner showed up and took the burger ball from Spike, but that only happened once. However, Spike had a young friend with him one morning – we called her Alice (after “Spike and Alice,” derived from a card game called Spite and Malice – hat tip to the Mullanys).

See more pictures and videos.

Read an update with new photos (10/02/12)

BirdWatching: Hummingbirds of the world

Friday photos: Hummingbirds of the world – BirdWatching Field of View – BirdWatching Daily – BirdWatching Community

Photographed in Tobago, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala, the hummingbirds below are great examples of the beautiful birds to be found in Central and South America.

Friday photos: Hummingbirds of the world – BirdWatching Field of View – BirdWatching Daily – BirdWatching Community

Friday photos: Hybrids – BirdWatching

Identifying birds is an interesting challenge. Recognize that a bird is a hybrid must be a higher-level skill. mjh

Friday photos: Hybrids – BirdWatching Field of View – BirdWatching Daily – BirdWatching Community

The birds below are unique; they’re hybrids. That is, they contain the genetic DNA for two different species. Look up each member of each pair in your field guide. See if you can spot the characteristics of each species in the hybrid. The photographs were taken by readers. We found them in our online galleries.

Friday photos: Hybrids – BirdWatching Field of View – BirdWatching Daily – BirdWatching Community

Dive-bombing hawks fly into metro study

I’d like to know if being handled and wired makes hawks more aggressive. mjh

Dive-bombing hawks fly into metro study

Dive-bombing hawks fly into metro study

Umbrella best defense during nesting season

Updated: Thursday, 14 Jun 2012, 5:56 PM MDT
Published : Thursday, 14 Jun 2012, 5:56 PM MDT

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – An unusual study is going on in northeast Albuquerque involving Cooper’s Hawks and tiny bird backpacks.

The New Mexico Department of the Game and Fish and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are teaming up to see just how aggressive the hawks are during their nesting season, which runs from May to July.

Each year there are about 20 calls in the city of Albuquerque about aggressive hawks, and almost all of those calls are about the Cooper’s hawk.

If a hawk in your neighborhood is dive bombing you, there are two things you can do: yell and shoo them away or simply use an umbrella when you are close to the tree where they are nesting. Cooper’s won’t see you as a threat if you are under an umbrella.

The aggression will stop once the babies are out of the nest.

Biologists have found 60 nesting pairs of Cooper’s hawks in northeast Albuquerque, and there are many more around the city.

The first step in the research requires capturing the hawks. That’s where Eve, the rehabilitated great horned owl, is put to work.

Horned owls are the enemy of the Cooper’s hawk, so Eve is put on a perch and an invisible net is set up. The Cooper’s are captured, banded and data gathered.

The hawks play an important role in urban ecology. State Game and Fish biologist Kristin Madden says they are fantastic for rodent control and pigeon and dove control as well.

When the fledglings are ready to fly, they will be fitted with tiny bird backpacks. The tracking device has Teflon straps that fit right under the birds feathers, with a tiny transmitter.

The data gathered will help biologists learn more about nesting, survival rates and disease in the birds as well as migration.

Interestingly, Albuquerque’s Cooper’s hawks like it here. They don’t migrate but stay here year round.

The data gathered on the Cooper’s hawks also help scientists learn more about other raptors, such as bald and golden eagles.

Dive-bombing hawks fly into metro study

Protest the Bear and Cougar proposals at NM Game and Fish in Abq 6/15 10am

NM Game and Fish is proposing changes to the bear and cougar rules that will harm these animals. Trapping is in there too as you can see. Sandia Mountain BearWatch is organizing a protest at the Albuquerque NM Game and Fish office because they want an unconscionable number of bears to be killed. In addition, they want to add a provision that with only the say-so of the Department Director mountain lion trapping can be authorized without any oversight from the Game Commission. Currently, the Department Director is himself a trapper. The Department also wants to allow year round cougar hunting which will result in orphaned kittens and to increase the bag limit from one cougar to two.

What: Protest the Bear and Cougar proposals at NM Game and Fish in Abq.

When: Friday, June 15, 10 AM to noon

Where: NM Game and Fish office in ABQ

3841 Midway Pl. NE.


Take I-25 to the Jefferson Exit
west on Jefferson away from the freeway to Singer (stop light)
left/west on Singer, go 1/2 block to Office Blvd.
right/north on Office Blvd
go 1 block to end of street to Midway Pl
The NMG&F office is at the end of the street at 3841 Midway Pl. NE

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