Partial Eclipse of the Strawberry Moon before dawn 6/4/12 – NASA Science

Partial Eclipse of the Strawberry Moon – NASA Science

On June 4th, 2012, there’s going to be a full Moon.  According to Native American folklore it’s the Strawberry Moon, so-called because the short season for harvesting strawberries comes during the month of June.

This Strawberry’s going to have a bite taken out of it.

At 3:00 am Pacific Daylight Time, not long before sunrise on Monday, June 4th, the Moon passes directly behind our planet. A broad stretch of lunar terrain around the southern crater Tycho will fall under the shadow of Earth, producing the first lunar eclipse of 2012.  At maximum eclipse, around 4:04 am PDT, 37% of the Moon’s surface will be in the dark. …

On the Atlantic side of the United States, the eclipse occurs just as the Moon is setting in the west–perfect timing for the Moon illusion. …

Strawberry Moon (eclipse2, 200px)

A partial lunar eclipse in June 2010. Credit: Jared Aicher of Boise, Idaho

The eclipsed moon, hanging low in the west at daybreak on June 4th, will seem extra-large to US observers east of the Mississippi. …

Partial Eclipse of the Strawberry Moon – NASA Science