Orion treads the night sky all winter

Follow the link to read about Betelgeuse, the red giant in Orion. peace, mjh 

The Sky This Week, 2012 November 27 – December 4 — Naval Oceanography Portal

In Greek mythology Orion is connected to another constellation with a distinctive reddish star. According to legend the Hunter, who was a mere mortal (albeit a very big and strong one) boasted that he held dominion over all the creatures on the Earth, a claim which upset Diana, goddess of the hunt. To put Orion’s ego in its proper place Diana sent a scorpion to challenge the boastful giant; the scorpion stung Orion in the heel as he tried to squash it with his foot. To her dismay Diana realized that she had a “crush” on the now-defunct Hunter, so she placed both victims in the sky in such a way that they would never be seen at the same time. The scorpion is, of course, the constellation Scorpius, and its brightest star is the red supergiant star Antares.

The Sky This Week, 2012 November 27 – December 4 — Naval Oceanography Portal