February’s Full Moon is popularly known as the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon – 2/25

The Sky This Week, 2013 February 19 – 26 — Naval Oceanography Portal

The Moon brightens the overnight hours this week as she waxes to Full Moon on the 25th at 3:26 pm Eastern Standard Time. February’s Full Moon is popularly known as the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon since it occurs at a time when winter exercises its strongest grip. Luna begins the week high above the head of Orion, the Hunter. On the evening of the 20th she perches between the "feet" of the Gemini twins. On the night of the 24th she rises with the bright star Regulus in Leo, the Lion, and remains within a few degrees of the star all night long.

The Sky This Week, 2013 February 19 – 26 — Naval Oceanography Portal