Trapping is loathsome

The following link leads to a story about an effort to remove a leg trap and the Kafka-esque reaction of a game warden.

10,000 Birds | Shutting Your Trap

The states which have essentially banned leghold traps are Florida, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, California, and Washington. The others allow resident psychopaths to legally indulge in their hobby of torturing whatever unlucky creature puts a foot wrong, as non-targeted animals make up a significant percentage of those who eventually die after hours – if not days -of pain and struggle.

A recent thread on my Raptorcare listserv produced one wildlife rehabilitator’s nightmarish photo of a leghold trap firmly clutching the leg of a Great Horned Owl. No owl, just the leg.

Help ban this barbarism in other states.

10,000 Birds | Shutting Your Trap

One thought on “Trapping is loathsome”

  1. I live in California where these cruel traps have been outlawed. But I’m with you on spreading this trend. I pray for the day when no animal suffers in a leghold trap anywhere. We are not in the 1800s any more. Furs from animals that suffer and die in traps are shipped to China where they are made into winter wear, fur trim on parkas, then shipped back to the USA to be purchased by us. Killing off our wildlife, and selling it’s products back to us is a lose lose deal for everyone in the USA. Will we see trapping banned in our life time? I’m working on it and will never stop until I see it happen.

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