birds, photos, Texas Birds of Texas Fall Migration October 17, 2021 mjh These are some of my best photos of my favorite birds in Texas in September. Hover over thumbnails for names. Click a thumbnail for larger image and slideshow. Yellow-billed Cuckoo Turkey Vulture Black Vultures (plus one Turkey Vulture)Green Jays -- one of our favorite birdsGreat KiskadeeThey are cocky enough to be jays, but bigger.Scarlet Tanager -- scarlet!? really? Yup. Black-and-white WarblerHooded Warbler American Redstart (no red)Blackburnian Warbler Yellow Warbler -- a straight-forward nameorange crowned?Prothonotary Warbler prothonatary warblerChestnut-sided WarblerKentucky WarblerRoseate SpoonbillsWhite IbisGreen HeronTri-colored HeronTri-colored heron with fish. Great Egret.Least Bitternrare and seldom-seenBrown PelicanAnhingaVeery (lifer)Summer TanagerNorthern CardinalMy Mom\'s spirit birdVermillion Flycatcher flycatchers are tough to IDFlycatchers are tough -- Least Flycatcher?Belted KingfisherRinged Kingfishermuch bigger than a Belted Kingfisher. The rusty belly confirms the ID. Harris HawkDucky Duck, a domestic goose with an attitude and a fan club.Ducky Duck