Hantavirus, Bubonic Plague and West Nile Virus in New Mexico

ABQjournal: Hantavirus, Plague May Start Early Because of Wet Winter By Jackie Jadrnak, Journal Staff Writer

Wet weather that has brought joy to skiers’ and gardeners’ hearts can have a down side. The moisture helps plants flourish that, in turn, nourish wild critters that sometimes carry diseases that can be passed to humans.

Reports of Hantavirus seem to rise after a wet winter and fall after a dry one….

Hantavirus isn’t the only concern. Health officials are on the lookout for what the mild, wet winter might portend for other animal- or insect-carried diseases.

Reports of plague often rise after such weather, although the effect can be delayed a year, Ettestad said. In other words, this winter might mean more plague cases in 2006. …

And it’s anyone’s guess what the weather will mean for West Nile virus….