GET OUT and help restore the land. We need your participation in our service
projects and right now we are short of volunteers for our Trampas TH on June
2-4, so if you are free that weekend, please join us! We set up the
logistics and provide the food (on most trips) – you provide the labor. A
great chance to make friends with others who care about tierra del encanto.
The general pattern is to camp out on Friday, do the service project on
Saturday, and hike or do a little more work on Sunday before heading home.
On most projects, we provide meals (with veggie options). You need all your
own camp gear, snacks, and water. We will help to the degree possible with
car-pooling. Contact the person listed for each project for more info or
for general questions contact Michael Scialdone at 505-843-8696, Directions and further details for each project will be
sent when you sign up.
June 2, 3, 4, 2006—National Trails Day Service Project, Pecos Wilderness
We will be working with Karen Cook of the Carson National Forest to prevent
illegal motorized use from occurring in the Pecos Wilderness. The project
will entail installing barriers at the Trampas Lakes trailhead, which is in
the northwest portion of the Wilderness. We will be staying at a Forest
Service campground, but will still need to bring our own drinking water. On
Sunday, we will take the opportunity to enjoy the area by hiking up the
trail as far as time allows, stopping to admire the work we did the day
Maximum participants: 25
Contact: Michael Scialdone at 505-843-8696, for more info.
Driving time: Approximately 2.5 hours drive north of ABQ
June 9,10,11, 2006—Cebolla Wilderness Wetland Restoration
Albuquerque Wildlife Federation is leading this one. Located in the El
Malpais National Monument south of Grants.
Contact: Gene Tatum at 505-255-1960, for more info.
Driving distance: Approximately 1.5 hours drive west of ABQ
June 16, 17, 18, 2006—Bitter Creek—Service Project
We are joining with Amigos Bravos to help in Red River Watershed
restoration. Projects will include closing off illegal ATV routes and
fencing off riparian areas.
Maximum participants: 35
Contact: Michael Scialdone at 505-843-8696, for more info.
Driving distance: Approximately 3 hours drive north of ABQ
July 7, 8, 9 2006—San Pedro Parks Wilderness Trail Work
July 14,15,16, 2006—Comanche Creek Wetland Restoration in Valle Vidal
Contact: Gene Tatum at 505-255-1960, for more info.
July 28, 29, 30, 2006—Apache Kid Wilderness—Membership Appreciation Outing
August 4,5,6, 2006—Middle Fork Trail, Wheeler Peak Wilderness
Please help us by acting on this Bird Forum Story on a US migratory bird Issue
Rory Rickwood
Wildlife Habitat Steward (Nanaimo)