NM Trapping Update

The New Mexico State Game Commission has set trapping policy for another two years. Once again thanks to everyone who sent letters and comments protesting leg-hold and lethal traps on New Mexico’s public land. NM Game and Fish received over 1150 of them- almost all from New Mexico residents. At several points, some proposals for change were offered by the game department. None went as far as to prohibit traps from public land, but they did include actually funding real world surveys of furbearer populations in the state to learn how these exploited animals are really doing, shortening the trapping season by a month (which would have brought it more in line with other western states), reducing the allowable trap size, increasing the distance from roads from the current 25 yards up to 75 yards and possibly imposing bag limits on some species. In the end though, the State Game Commission, bowing to pressure from trappers, agreed only to the very modest change of shortening the season by a mere two weeks.

Regrettably, the trapping season has begun again this winter and will go on through the end of March. Fur prices are at an all time high owing to world-wide demand. Here at home there are still no bag limits and no limit to the number of traps that may be set. No warning signs need be posted anywhere. The by-catch will still include family dogs, birds, and other animals possibly even endangered ones. Be watchful where you hike, ride, camp, birdwatch and enjoy the beautiful public lands that belong to all of us.

If you should encounter a trap or hear of someone who has, please share the tale. If you believe the trap was illegally set, please call NMG&F at 505-476-8066 and report it. Please share your experience with us too. You may write to notraps@kitcarson.net. If you desire, we will protect your anonymity. Also please visit the website trapping pages at http://www.riogrande.sierraclub.org/campaigns/trapping/Traps.htm . Here you will find a description of the types of traps used in NM and how to open them. (Although I greatly hope you never have need of this information in the field.)


Mary Katherine Ray

Wildlife Issues
Rio Grande Chapter Sierra Club