Chaco Campground Problems

ABQjournal: Around New Mexico
Repairs at Chaco Limit Campsites

Camping spaces are in short supply at Chaco Culture Historical Park as park employees make repairs to a septic system.

Chaco has suspended group camping at Gallo Campground and reduced regular campsites from 49 to 30 while it makes emergency repairs to the campground’s septic system and then makes plans to build a lift station to move sewage to the park’s main wastewater treatment center.

The restrictions are in effect at least until August and mean that no more than 100 people may camp at Chaco at a time.

[mjh: take note this cuts camping sites by 40 percent through the summer. If the CG is full, there is an overflow space that can be opened, but it has no facilities (though a great view of Fajada Butte).]