New Mexico Wilderness, a blog

“New Mexico Wilderness” is the name of a blog created by Jim Scarantino. Whereas I am something of an armchair wilderness advocate, creeping into the edges of wilderness a few times a year, Jim is out there in the wild or working for its preservation. His blog is well-written with good photos of wilderness. Jim is often a great writer; I look forward to his book. His blog is worth a visit. (But come back here and don’t expect me to keep up with Jim.)

I will mention one specific but atypical entry of Jim’s: God’s Glory. I appreciate his moving account and his openness both to the Universe and to his readers. I’m am not quarreling when I say I feel much the same thing he does without a trace of god. I’m not saying one of us is right or wrong, just balancing his entry with one that notes that atheists can love life deeply, too. (I’m not suggesting Jim thinks otherwise.) We’ve both found a deep connection to the earth that may be hard to feel through concrete or steel. mjh