Two Very Different but Thoughtful Wolf Websites

Ralph Maughan’s Wildlife News

Wolf Crossing

2 thoughts on “Two Very Different but Thoughtful Wolf Websites”

  1. I strongly disagree with your categorization of Wolf Crossing as “thoughtful”. It is apparently owned by Laura Schneberger, who is also the president of the Gila Cattle Growers Association. (Hardly a bastion of “thoughtful”-ness when it comes to wolves in the Gila.) Wolfcrossing is listed on the Gila Cattle Growers site ( as a “sister site and E mag on wolves”). With recent postings on “wolves stalking children” and “wolves are continuing to hang around homes” it appears that Wolf Crossing is only there to incite fear and spread disinformation concerning the wolf reintroduction effort. Certainly you can find a website more “thoughtful” than this one.

  2. Author : Laura
    URI :

    Well, that is not a verey nice thing to say about me.
    Coming from Gary Cascio who sells T shirts that advocate killing cattle and eco terrorism, among other things this is high praise.
    Wolfcrossing is owned by the GLGA board and it’s members and yes we are a livestock producer organization, we also have rural landowners and parents as members not all of whom are livestock producers. It was set up as a venue to eduate the public about the side of the wolf program that doesn’t make the mainstream media. I think we are doing that. Some of our users are a bit shrill, at times, some of them have reason to be.
    The difference between us and some of our counterparts is that we all have considerable and some of us, vast wildlife experience and we hope we are for the most part fairly patient with the extremism and biase directed at us from all sides of this issue.

    [mjh: SpamKarma deleted this comment automatically for whatever reason. I’ve resurrected it.]

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