Protecting Cougars

Coexisting with Cougars (NM Wilderness Alliance

New Mexico Game Department Regulations
Permit the Overkill of Cougars

Cougars count—let’s count them all. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) regulations allow for the liberal killing of cougars. Make your voice heard and send a free fax to the New Mexico Game Commission, telling them you want to see cougars protected in New Mexico!

Send your fax here

Talking Points

Over 40% of all the cougars killed in New Mexico are females.  Females in the crosshairs result in many uncounted orphaned kittens. This is biologically unsustainable and ethically indefensible.

Cougars killed on private lands, in big horn sheep areas, or for livestock conflicts are not counted as part of the total hunting quota. Some landowners exploit the public’s wildlife for private profit.

The state pays a private trapper tens of thousands of dollars each year to kill cougars in certain game units to “prevent” livestock losses; a system that’s ripe for corruption. Those in agribusiness should rely on non-lethal animal husbandry practices, not expect a state-sponsored handout. 

PLEASE SEND A LETTER BY July 22, 2008, to the New Mexico Game Commission.

One thought on “Protecting Cougars”

  1. Just so you know where I am coming from I am a sportsman and I do hunt. I haven’t hunted lions yet but that isn’t to say that I never will.

    Obviously you don’t want people hunting lions and that is okay that is your right but your talking points aren’t quite right.

    Most females are turned loose if caught, unless it is a Depredation issue.. ie Pinos Altos

    Yes Dep hunts do go to the total harvest rate. You can see the real numbers just follow this link

    Yes, the state has payed trappers in the past but that is only way to accurately gather harvest data. Would you rather have a rancher just SSS and then these killed animals would never go against the harvest totals.

    Again like I said it is absolutely your right to oppose Lion hunting that is your call but you need to make sure you have your facts straight….

    The State of NM needs to manage animals and people with solid science not emotion.

    The State has set Sustainable Mortality Rates thru science and that should be our guide.

    Take Care

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