Lynx Kittens in Colorado

Discovery of 10 lynx kittens heartens Colorado wildlife biologists | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times

Biologists with the Colorado Division of Wildlife have been cheered by the births of 10 lynx kittens in Colorado this spring, according to the Associated Press.  Prior to the discoveries of the kittens — seven males and three females in five separate dens — no newborn lynxes had been found in Colorado since 2006.

The species once flourished in the area but were gone by the early 1970s as a result of purposeful killings (by traps and poison) and human encroachment (in the forms of logging and property development).  In the last 10 years, 218 lynxes from Alaska and Canada have been released in Colorado, but biologists don’t know how many members of the threatened species are currently in the state.