Everyman’s Right to access

This would never go over in the US, where private property rights trump most others. [Hat tip to WalkingRaven.]

Everyman’s right – environment.fi

Everyman’s right in brief [without first obtaining permission from a landowner]

Everyone may:

  • walk, ski or cycle freely in the countryside, except in gardens, in the immediate vicinity of people’s homes, and in fields and plantations which could easily be damaged
  • stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes
  • pick wild berries, mushrooms and flowers, as long as they are not protected species
  • fish with a rod and line
  • row, sail or use a motorboat on waterways, with certain restrictions;  swim or wash in inland waters and the sea
  • walk, ski and fish on frozen lakes, rivers and the sea

You may not:

  • disturb other people or damage property
  • disturb breeding birds, or their nests or young
  • disturb reindeer or game animals
  • cut down or damage living trees, or collect wood, moss or lichen on other people’s property
  • light open fires on other people’s property, except in an emergency
  • disturb the privacy of people’s homes, by camping too near them, or making too much noise, for example
  • leave litter
  • drive motor vehicles off road without the landowner’s permission
  • fish or hunt without the relevant permits

Everyman’s right is working well

According to a study, landowners, hikers and authorities agree that everyman’s right is working well. Everyman’s right is considered extremely important in Finland and not many problems are related to its use. Retaining the right as it is is seen as important.

Everyman’s right – environment.fi